Hydroponic nutrients, the essential ingredient for good plant growth and maximum yield, if you grow plants in soil or using hydroponics a balanced supply of nutrients is required and is made up from sixteen elements, with hydroponics the plants get all these elements from the hydroponic nutrients mixed with water to form the nutrients solution which feeds the system. Plant nutrients form two groups Macro (used by plants in large quantities) these are the primary elements nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (N-P-K) secondary elements in this group include magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca) and sulphur (S) and micro are the trace elements only used in small amounts. Hydroponic nutrients are usually sold in concentrated forms which are then added to the water supply at a set ratio ( see manufactures recommendations), the concentrates are normally sold in two or three individual containers and must not be mixed in the concentrated form, always remember to mix them individually into water. NEVER mix the nutrients together in the concentrated state.
Keep a good nutrient programme, keep it simple this will help to ensure you will get the best from your plants, keep a good record of what you do this will help you when replanting and growing a new crop. In the growth cycle of the plants you will use different concentrations of the hydroponic nutrient also the concentrate comes in “grow” or “growth” formula for the vegetative growth cycle and “bloom” or “flower” formula for the flowering cycle, remember to change to the bloom formula during the bloom cycle to increase yields. There is also a range of growth enhancers on the market although not essential they can boost both grow and yield, these can either be added to the hydroponic nutrient solution or sprayed on as a foliar feeder depentant on the manufactures instruction and which type you would choose to use.
The nutrient solution should be changed every seven to fourteen days but there are no hard and fast rules to determine the exact period, as water is used or evaporates you will need to top up the reservoir with water if this is done to often it can lead to depleted nutrient and oxygen levels can also lead to algae and fungi growth which can cause root rot. As your plants use the nutrients, and with the constant recirculation of the solution an imbalance of the elements can result in a build up of toxic salts this will lead to a drop off in growth and will kill the plants. With small seedlings and plants and depending on the size of your reservoir once every two weeks should be ok, as the plants grow this should be reduced to once a week. When you change the solution, clean the reservoir and wash with fresh water and refill with a new mix of hydroponic nutrients solution don’t forget to check the PH level when mixing your solution.
If you live within 1,000 feet of a viable water source, stream, river or lake do not drain your used hydroponic nutrients solution onto the ground as it could drain into the water source, you could use the old solution to water other plants the lawn, or even keep some to water indoor plants. If you want to grow organically there are now several hydroponic nutrients formulas that have been successfully developed, tested and marketed, make sure these hydroponics nutrients are soluble, stand-alone products that leave no sediment in the container. Check that it doesn’t need shaking before use as any sediment could clog lines and pumps. Remember giving your plant too much or to little nutrient will result in poor growth or possibly kill your plants. One week before harvesting your crop you need to carry out Leaching or rinsing, this can be done by running  regular tap water through the system. This will wash out the excess salts that remain in the growing medium from the hydroponic nutrients.